Grow Your Own Veggies For World Food Day
World Food Day is celebrated across the globe each year on 16th October to mark the anniversary of the establishment of the the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). This year's theme is Our actions are our future - Better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, centred around promoting worldwide awareness and action to help those who are suffering from hunger and to promote healthy diets.

As our global population continues to increase each-and-every year, so do our greenhouse gas emissions - nearly a quarter of damages are due to food production. The main culprits for this devastation to our planet surrounds the fishing and farming industries. The latter itself alone contributes to a huge 15% of man-made greenhouse gas emissions [1]. We must change the way we consume food, prioritising plants over meat options to reduce this harm. We only have one world and we need to look after it.
Minimise the carbon footprint that comes with shop-bought food by growing your own vegetables, fruit, and herbs. Here in Malaysia, we grow a huge selection of veggies and herbs at home. Some of our favourites include the water spinach (kangkung), Chinese broccoli (kailan), torch ginger flower (bunga kantan), laksa leaves (daun kesum), and ladies' fingers (bendi or okra).

In the UK, my favourite vegetable to grow is bean sprouts, due to its versatility of being added to many dishes. The majority of noodle dishes ask for bean sprouts as an ingredient. Mee goreng mamak, vegetable chow mein, char koay teow, and curry laska are a few delicious Malaysian noodle and bean sprout dishes to name.
Ready to grow your own? Follow these easy steps:
1 Purchase a pack of organic seeds (we recommend lentils or mung beans) and a glass jar.
2 Wash the beans and fill the jar with water. Place two tablespoons of seeds in the jar.
3 Cover the jar with a drainable lid and leave the beans to soak for 10 hours.
4 Drain the water from the jar, rinse, and repeat once more. Then place the jar angled facing down and leave.
5 Repeat this rinsing and draining process two times a day. Keep repeating until the sprouts have grown. Remove from jar, rinse once more, and they are ready to eat!
Quick and easy to grow, and yummy to taste. Totally worth it!

Most Malaysian dishes include, or almost include, your five-a-day intake of fruit in a bowl. My top pick of bean sprout dishes would have to be the mouth-watering curry laska - all your five-a-day in one dish! What is more to love?
Even better - I will be making this tasty veggie plate at our Mak Tok Pop-Up Kitchen in Sheffield! Come down and try curry laska - and a special selection of my favourite Malaysian dishes, at China Red in Sheffield on Saturday 30th October, at 6pm to 9pm. Don't miss out!