Mak Tok's Christmas Stocking Fillers Ideas

Christmas stockings, a concept that was all new to me when I arrived In the UK. The thought of a sock shaped fabric on the fireplace seemed a little strange at first but has become something that’s now a staple in my decorations and always provides a festive fun feel to the house. Myth and legend has it that the Christmas stocking tradition started when Saint Nicholas dropped some gold coins down a struggling family’s chimney. The coins fell into three pairs of ladies stockings that were hanging up to dry by the fireplace. A tradition that originally started out with your everyday sock, stuffed with tangerines and walnuts has now been evolved into some amazing designs and much larger to get your presents into.

With Christmas fast approaching I thought it would be a good time to let you know what I will be on the hunt for and share my ideas for this year’s stocking fillers (For any of my family or friends reading this here is a few hints!). Finding creative ideas that are exciting, fun and small enough to fit into a stocking can be hard. Here are a few of the categories I will be looking into and hopefully can spark some interest and ideas for you.

Gifts for Foodies

Well first of all where is better to start than over on our website. Got a macho man in the family? Then put him to the test with either our fire hot sambal paste or hot chilli sauce.  A fun way to see who can handle the heat this Christmas!

 Maybe you have an  enthusiast for cooking different meals, then the perfect stocking filler can be our Malaysian rendang paste. A versatile paste that can be used for a whole range of recipes, but with the extra holidays and time over Christmas meaning more time to cook, there will be no better time to get out the slow cooker and cook up our Ultimate Beef Rendang. This would be the perfect gift to accompany a slow cooker should it be on the list of one of your loved one’s this year.

Although not exactly a stocking filler, go get check out our final idea, this ones not to miss for any food lover who enjoys cooking.

Gifts for the Chef

It’s all about looking stylish in the kitchen over Christmas. Who doesn’t love to look good in the kitchen when you are having the pictures taken making the Christmas dinner. Well I recommend an apron and a Christmas hat. Both a perfect little gift that’s sure to bring a smile to the cooks face when he unwraps them on Christmas morning. There is a wide range of innovative and funny apron designs out there that will provide the whole family with some entertainment when they see the cook in the apron. And not to forget you don’t want to be spilling gravy down that new shirt you’d just got as a present that morning!

Fun niche gift

The stocking is all about the little gifts that don’t fit around the Christmas tree. I’ve come to notice that it’s often little fun gifts that you receive on Christmas that keep the entertainment over the Christmas period. Whether it be a little card game, board game or a little eating game for some entertainment around the table there’s a whole host of options to look our for this Christmas.

This year I will be looking for a range of fun little games to keep the family entertained at the table. A great way to all ages included and keep the younger ones away from the screens, even if just for one day! Also check out the bonus gift idea at the end, I may have you covered this year with a little game that I grew up with.

Gift for keeping warm

Since moving to the UK I think I’m cold about 75% of the year. There have been occasions in the UK summer I have had the heating on so when it gets to the heart of winter and Christmas it’s fair to say I’m freezing. Therefore a couple of ideas that I would be grateful for and will be on  the lookout for is: extra thick socks, Christmas jumpers, gloves or a wooly hat. From my memories in the UK January always seems to be the coldest month so I’m sure getting this as a Christmas present will have you covered come the cold months at the start of 2022.

Bonus gift

This may not be one that fits into your stocking, but this is sure to make any fireplace look great as the centre piece. Our first ever Christmas hamper has launched and includes items that our customers were asking for during our live cook alongs, my first ever cook book and of course some of your favourite Mak Tok pastes, as well as a traditional Malaysian game that I grew up playing.

Containing all the essentials for a Malaysian culinary experience. You will be able to go on a culinary journey and follow my family’s recipes in my first ever cookbook. The hamper will include all our 5 pastes which can be used in many different recipes across the book. Versatile and easy to use our pastes are a chefs dream to make restaurant quality food with very little work.

Also as I said earlier in the blog it’s the little fun niche gifts that can provide hours of entertainment. So we decided to include one in our hamper. Hand-crafted by my niece this will provide you with hours of fun and provide a competitive edge to the gatherings this year.



As you can tell by my ideas this year, I am always thinking of food. The idea of the hamper was created when thinking about the stocking fillers and what makes Christmas for me. That being food and being with family. Whatever you decide to fill your stockings with this year, it’s all about putting that extra thought in to what your loved ones enjoy!

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